Thursday, December 15, 2011

Be True to the Snow

The sweet smell of hot chocolate wakes me up in the morning,
Goosebumps run down my spine while I pull clothes over my body,
Weakness fills my arms as I drag the heavy equipment into the trunk of the car,
My dad is almost finished with the sandwiches for lunch, so I help him,
The warmth of the hot chocolate gives me a tingly feeling in my fingers as I walk to the car.

Out of instinct my hands reach for the CD player where I put in my favorite disc,
My head leans back, my eyes close and my ears open to the beauty of my techno CD,
A dream leads me into another world of peace, harmony and relaxation,
The gravel road wakes me from my sleep and we are almost there,
My head shifts towards the window and my eyes are delighted to see snowflakes.

My body stretches as I get out of the car and put my coat on,
Once I get all suited up, I put my ticket on my jacket, and I push away,
Excitement surges through my body as I wait on my dad to join me,
Up and up and up we go until my dad signs us up at the booth,
My dad leads me as we take our practice run to try to memorize it.

“3, 2, 1, Go, Go, Go, Go, Go.” My dad leaps forward and is instantly out of sight,
My perception blinds me as the cowbells start to clank,
“C’mon Filip, beat your dad, you can do it! Ready when you are!” shouted a man in the booth.
Here it is, my destiny, my moment of glory, my time to shine,
Anxiety and nervousness fill my body as I dive into my glory.

While frantically pushing off, the cowbells suddenly fade away,
Snowflakes land on my face as I start to accelerate,
My eyes widen to the sight of a 90 degree drop,
Adrenaline keeps me going as I focus on the turns,
As I cross the finish line I see a smile on my dads face, and I look at my time, I did it!

1 comment:

  1. Your perception of winter is great and I like how you were able to relate it to your personal experiences of it.
