Thursday, December 8, 2011


             In the Catcher in the Rye, by J. D. Salinger, the main character is a sixteen year-old junior who has been expelled from Pencey Academy due to his bad grades. He has a very pessimistic outlook on life. Many times instead of looking for someone’s friendly features, he tries to find flaws in people. He judges people very quickly on whether they are phony or not.
            In my opinion, I don’t necessarily like Holden for his actions but you can’t judge anyone until you’ve walked a mile in their shoes, right.  I tend to be more attracted to people who are happy and people who smile. If I surround myself with these funny and jovial people, it makes me happy! I think Holden probably had a difficult life and we don’t know the reasoning of why he is so lonely. Some events probably lead to this rebellious stage in Holden’s life. Maybe his childhood wasn’t the best or maybe his parents or his friends just haven’t ever loved him. I can see how Holden could be sad because of Allie’s death, but by doing that he is bringing down so many more people. It must be hard for him but maybe he should strengthen his relationship with Phoebe and be there for her.
            I think that once we get further in the book Holden will mature and he will realize his mistakes. I think that he will start to cope with whatever happened in his past and look to the future.  I also have a small gut instinct that something will happen between Holden and Jane, but I still have not figured out if that will turn out for the better or the worst. I also hope that we meet Holden’s parents later in the book. I think that will really show what hi childhood was, and what kind of leadership he grew up with.

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