Monday, January 16, 2012

The American Dream

               I found an Article on CNN Politics of Obama's speech, that he made on November 7, 2007, titled "American Dream". I would first like to start off by saying that I agree with this speech completely and that I also like how the President gave examples of his family and how they relate to the 'American Dream.'
               Here is a quote from Mr.Obama's speech, "But as I've traveled around Iowa and the rest of the country these last nine months, I haven't been struck by our differences - I've been impressed by the values and hopes that we share. In big cities and small towns; among men and women; young and old; black, white, and brown - Americans share a faith in simple dreams. A job with wages that can support a family. Health care that we can count on and afford. A retirement that is dignified and secure. Education and opportunity for our kids. Common hopes. American dreams."
               I think the first sentence of that is so accurate. I don't view other people on my differences with them, but on our hopes and dreams that we share. Now I am not saying that us 16 year olds have the same dreams as the President listed, but I think the definition of the American Dream is very similar for our youth today. To have friends and family that love you, to be given opportunities, and to be treated fairly. 
               Going back to the quote, Obama tells us that the American Dream is a job with good wages, health care, a secure retirement, and the opportunity of an education. In The Great Gatsby, there is a common 'American Dream' among the people, that is, wealth and success. The job wages that can support your family means that you are wealthy right. And you dream of being wealthy so that you can live an easier life and have a good life after you retire. These things I think are the majority of the 'American Dream' in the novel so far.

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