Sunday, January 22, 2012

Gatsby Scene

I sometimes just like to watch my guests and tend to eschew from them. I don’t even know most of these people and yet they are here, at my house, enjoying life. This is all part of a larger scheme though and I hope that it will all come together very soon. But today I have two very important guests to me, Nick Carraway and Jordan Baker.
            After a while I spot Nick and I come up to him. He seems like a really nice guy, but then he really surprises me by telling me that he still hasn’t met the host. I dont think he was trying to be invidious but, I told him that I was Jay Gatsby and he apologized to me but really I should be the one apologizing. What kind of a host am I when my guests don’t even know what my face looks like.  Well anyways, I think that Nick is a good guy but I need him to like me.
            I have decided that I am going to talk to Jordan about my plan and ask her to tell Nick. I pulled a lovely lady, Jordan Baker, over and I told her that Daisy and I are long lost lovers but she has not yet come to one of my parties as I had planned. I begged her to ask Nick if he could invite Daisy for some tea and he would accidentally run into her. I asked Jordan to not tell Nick right away, but to wait a while.  I think that my conversation with Jordan went well and I hope that Nick will be kind enough to set up the meeting.
            I need Nick to like me so that he agrees but I tend to get really nervous around Nick. I hope he doesn’t realize it and everything goes well.

Monday, January 16, 2012

The American Dream

               I found an Article on CNN Politics of Obama's speech, that he made on November 7, 2007, titled "American Dream". I would first like to start off by saying that I agree with this speech completely and that I also like how the President gave examples of his family and how they relate to the 'American Dream.'
               Here is a quote from Mr.Obama's speech, "But as I've traveled around Iowa and the rest of the country these last nine months, I haven't been struck by our differences - I've been impressed by the values and hopes that we share. In big cities and small towns; among men and women; young and old; black, white, and brown - Americans share a faith in simple dreams. A job with wages that can support a family. Health care that we can count on and afford. A retirement that is dignified and secure. Education and opportunity for our kids. Common hopes. American dreams."
               I think the first sentence of that is so accurate. I don't view other people on my differences with them, but on our hopes and dreams that we share. Now I am not saying that us 16 year olds have the same dreams as the President listed, but I think the definition of the American Dream is very similar for our youth today. To have friends and family that love you, to be given opportunities, and to be treated fairly. 
               Going back to the quote, Obama tells us that the American Dream is a job with good wages, health care, a secure retirement, and the opportunity of an education. In The Great Gatsby, there is a common 'American Dream' among the people, that is, wealth and success. The job wages that can support your family means that you are wealthy right. And you dream of being wealthy so that you can live an easier life and have a good life after you retire. These things I think are the majority of the 'American Dream' in the novel so far.

Friday, January 6, 2012

Music Review

               I love techno music, don't hate. Whenever I listen to techno music I enter whole new world and it just makes me smile. The beats are amazing but my favorite DJ is by far DJ Tiesto.
               He was born in the Netherlands and his birthday is on January 17 (same birthday as cool is that). The song that I am going to review is called, Adagio for Strings from the album Parade of the Athletes which was released in 2004. Adagio for Strings translates into Music for Strings, and I think the title of this song makes no sense but it is very difficult to give a song a title that has no lyrics.
               The song starts off with a simple base and about every 15 seconds a new beat is added to it. Dj Tiesto really understands trance music and knows what kind of sounds to add to the song. Whenever I listen to this song, my heart beats to the rhythm and the base of the music. I can just close my eyes and just listen and focus on any aspect of the music. That is what I love most about Dj Tiesto and his Trance, its just fills me inside and I become a new person.
               Later in the song, everything gets silent but there is still this base that just makes your ears throb but from there it gets good. All I can say is that if you are not a fan of trance or alternative music, please give this song a chance and all I ask of you is to just listen at least 3 minutes of the song. One more piece of advice, listen to this song on full volume, you won't regret it!