Thursday, October 20, 2011

Father and Son

               In the current book we are reading in class, The Road by Cormac McCarthy, our two main characters are a father and his son. They are traveling south because of some sort of disaster that occurred. In my opinion, I think a nuclear war happened because ash is falling, and it's a nuclear winter. However, the author does not literally state what exactly happened that caused it.
               I think that there is no more hope for the father and the boy as they travel south. However, I believe that the boy is the only thing keeping the father realistic. For example, the father and the son are drinking cocoa but that father doesn't take any to save some for his boy. His son reminds him "if you break small promises, you'll break bigger ones too."I think that this shows the maturity of the kid. I can only assume that he is still young and yet this small child is keeping his father to his principles. The only thing keeping the father alive is the boy.
              I also think that the father wants to raise his son as if nothing had happened. He does this by reading the boy stories and keeping the light on while the boy sleeps. Those little things help the boy grow up like a normal boy. Due to the circumstance though, i'm sure the kid has seen things no child should ever see and in this way he is more mature than a child should be. I know that the father loves his son beyond words and will do anything for him.

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